Sunday, June 8, 2008

there ain't nobody here

"When she left I snuck across and stuck a note inside her box. It read 'My dear, you are so lovely and I'd really love to talk.' When she got home then she read and said 'My god, what do you mean?' 'I don't know, I just go where my heart leads me.'"

Some things you just need to try out for yourself, I guess.

Let's talk about Hillary Clinton for a second. If Barack Obama chooses her as his running mate, something I seriously doubt he will do, I'll just be sick over it. That decision would have obvious benefits domestically in terms of bringing the Democratic party together, but I hope to god he's considering the international implications of such a decision. A campaign founded on change and personal accountability would seem tainted if Hillary was involved in his administration. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who think Hillary is incompetent, in fact I think she would have done a fine job had she won the nomination. However, I do feel as though she is motivated by whatever is politically advantageous to her at a specific moment rather than a certain set of ideals she holds. This claim could likely be backed up by data which I've considered doing, but it's sort of a moot point at this point. Anyhow, internationally, Hillary Clinton is seen as an enabler of an illegal war, which most countries in the world see the Iraq war as, and to believe that having her in an administration would be politically advantageous for Barack Obama would be naive. I'm basically imploring Barack Obama to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for her lack of judgment and not appoint her to any position within the administration. I would probably see him differently would he do otherwise. He's still the man, however.

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